6. Language Syntax#

The body of a shader is a sequence of individual statements. This chapter describes the types of statements and control-flow patterns in OSL.

Statements in OSL include the following types of constructs:

  • Scoped statements.

  • Variable declarations.

  • Expressions.

  • Assignments.

  • Control flow: if, else, while, do, for, break, continue

  • Function declarations.

6.1. Scoping#

Any place where it is legal to have a statement, it is legal to have multiple statements enclosed by curly braces { }. This is called a scope. Any variables or functions declared within a scope are only visible within that scope, and only may be used after their declaration. Variables or functions that are referenced will always resolve to the matching name in the innermost scope relative to its use. For example

    float a = 1;      // Call this the "outer" 'a'
    float b = 2;
        float a = 3;  // Call this the "inner" 'a'
        float c = 1;
        b = a;        // b gets 3, because a is resolved to the inner scope
    b += c;           // ERROR -- c was only in the inner scope

6.2. Variable declarations and assignments#

Variable declarations#

The syntax for declaring a variable in OSL is:

type name

type name = value


  • type is one of the basic data types, described earlier.

  • name is the name of the variable you are declaring.

  • If you wish to initialize your variable an initial value, you may immediately assign it a value, which may be any valid expression.

You may declare several variables of the same type in a single declaration by separating multiple variable names by commas:

type name1 , name2

type name1 [ = value1] , name2 [ = value2 ] …

Some examples of variable declarations are

    float a;           // Declare; current value is undefined
    float b = 1;       // Declare and assign a constant initializer
    float c = a*b;     // Computed initializer
    float d, e = 2, f; // Declare several variables of the same type


Arrays are also supported, declared as follows:

type variablename [ arraylen }

type variablename [ arraylen } = { *init0 , init1}

Array variables in OSL must have a constant length (though function parameters and shader parameters may have undetermined length). Some examples of array variable declarations are:

    float d[10];                       // Declare an uninitialized array
    float c[3] = { 0.1, 0.2, 3.14 };   // Initialize the array


Structures are used to group several fields of potentially different types into a single object that can be referred to by name. The syntax for declaring a structure type is:

\spc struct structname {\cf {}

\spc\spc type1 fieldname1 ;

\spc\spc …

\spc\spc typeN fieldnameN ;

\spc ) ;

You may then use the structure type name to declare structure variables as you would for any of the built-in types:

\spc structname variablename ;

\spc structname variablename {\cf = { } initializer1 ,initializerN ) ;

If initializers are supplied, each field of the structure will be initialized with the initializer in the corresponding position, which is expected to be of the appropriate type.

Structure elements are accessed in the same way as other C-like languages, using the `dot’ operator:

\spc variablename{\cf .} fieldname

Examples of declaration and use of structures:

    struct ray {
        point pos;
        vector dir;

    ray r;   // Declare a structure
    ray s = { point(0,0,0), vector(0,0,1) };  // declare and initialize
    r.pos = point (1, 0, 0);  // Assign to one field

It is permitted to have a structure field that is an array, as well as to have an array of structures. But it is not permitted for one structure to have a field that is another structure.

Please refer to Section~\ref{sec:types:struct} for more information on using struct.

6.3. Expressions#

The expressions available in OSL include the following:

  • Constants: integer (e.g., 1, 42), floating-point (e.g. 1.0, 3, -2.35e4), or string literals (e.g., "hello")

  • point, vector, normal, or matrix constructors, for example:

        color (1, 0.75, 0.5)
        point ("object", 1, 2, 3)

    If all the arguments to a constructor are themselves constants, the constructed point is treated like a constant and has no runtime cost. That is, color(1,2,3) is treated as a single constant entity, not assembled bit by bit at runtime.

  • Variable or parameter references

  • An individual element of an array (using [ ])

  • An individual component of a color, point, vector, normal (using [ ]), or of a matrix (using [][])

  • prefix and postfix increment and decrement operators:



    varref ++


    varref --


    ++ varref


    -- varref


    The post-increment and post-decrement (e.g., {\cf a++}) returns the old value, then increments or decrements the variable; the pre-increment and pre-decrement ({\cf ++a}) will first increment or decrement the variable, then return the new value.

  • Unary and binary arithmetic operators on other expressions:



    - expr


    ~ expr

    bitwise complement

    expr * expr


    expr / expr


    expr + expr


    expr - expr


    expr % expr

    integer modulus

    expr << expr

    integer shift left

    expr >> expr

    integer shift right

    expr & expr

    bitwise and

    expr | expr

    bitwise or

    expr ^ expr

    bitwise exclusive or

    The operators +, -, *, /, and the unary - (negation) may be used on most of the numeric types. For multicomponent types (color, point, vector, normal, matrix), these operators combine their arguments on a component-by-component basis. The only operators that may be applied to the matrix type are * and /, which respectively denote matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix multiplication by the inverse of another matrix.

    The integer and bit-wise operators %, <<, >>, &, |, ^, and ~ may only be used with expressions of type int.

    For details on which operators are allowed, please consult the operator tables for each individual type in Chapter Data types.

  • Relational operators (all lower precedence than the arithmetic operators):



    expr == expr

    equal to

    expr != expr

    not equal to

    expr < expr

    less then

    expr <= expr

    less than or equal to

    expr > expr

    greater than

    expr >= expr

    greater than or equal

    The == and != operators may be performed between any two values of equal type, and are performed component-by-component for multi-component types. The <, <=, >, >= may not be used to compare multi-component types.

    An int expression may be compared to a float (and is treated as if they are both float). A float expression may be compared to a multi-component type (and is treated as a multi-component type as if constructed from a single float).

    Relation comparisons produce Boolean (true/false) values. These are implemented as int values, 0 if false and 1 if true.

  • Logical unary and binary operators:

    ! expr expr1 && expr2 expr1 \|\| expr2

    Note that the not, and, and or keywords are synonyms for !, &&, and ||, respectively.

    For the logical operators, numeric expressions (int or float) are considered true if nonzero, false if zero. Multi-component types (such as color) are considered true any component is nonzero, false all components are zero. Strings are considered true if they are nonempty, false if they are the empty string ("").

  • another expression enclosed in parentheses: ( ). Parentheses may be used to guarantee associativity of operations.

  • Type casts, specified either by having the type name in parentheses in front of the value to cast (C-style typecasts) or the type name called as a constructor (C++-style type constructors):

          (vector) P            /* cast a point to a vector */
          (point) f             /* cast a float to a point */
          (color) P             /* cast a point to a color! */
          vector (P)            /* Means the same thing */
          point (f)
          color (P)

    The three-component types (color, point, vector, normal) may be cast to other three-component types. A float may be cast to any of the three-component types (by placing the float in all three components) or to a matrix (which makes a matrix with all diagonal components being the float). Obviously, there are some type casts that are not allowed because they make no sense, like casting a point to a float, or casting a string to a numerical type.

  • function calls

  • assignment expressions:

    same thing as var = var OP expr :



    var = expr


    var += expr


    var -= expr


    var *= expr


    var /= expr


    int-var &= int-expr

    bitwise and

    int-var |= int-expr

    bitwise or

    int-var ^= int-expr

    bitwise exclusive or

    int-var <<= int-expr

    integer shift left

    int-var >>= int-expr

    integer shift right

    Note that the integer and bit-wise operators are only allowed with int variables and expressions. In general, var OP= expr is allowed only if var = var OP expr is allowed, and means exactly the same thing. Please consult the operator tables for each individual type in Chapter Data types.

  • ternary operator, just like C:

    condition ? expr1 : expr2

    This expression takes on the value of expr1 if condition is true (nonzero), or expr2 if condition is false (zero).

Please refer to Chapter Data types, where the section describing each data type describes the full complement of operators that may be used with the type. Operator precedence in OSL is identical to that of C.

6.4. Control flow: if, while, do, for#

Conditionals in OSL just like in C or C++:

\begin{tabbing} \hspace{0.5in} = \hspace{0.3in} = \kill > {\cf if (} condition {\cf )} \ > > truestatement


\begin{tabbing} \hspace{0.5in} = \hspace{0.3in} = \kill > {\cf if (} condition {\cf )} \ > > truestatement \ > {\cf else} \ > > falsestatement

The statements can also be entire blocks, surrounded by curly braces. For example,

    if (s > 0.5) {
        x = s;
        y = 1;
    } else {
        x = s+t;

The condition may be any valid expression, including:

  • The result of any comparison operator (such as <, ==, etc.).

  • Any numeric expression (int, color, point, vector, normal, matrix), which is considered “true” if nonzero and “false” if zero.

  • Any string expression, which is considered “true” if it is a nonempty string, “false” if it is the empty string ("").

  • A closure, which is considered “true” if it’s empty (not assigned, or initialized with {\cf =0}), and “false” if anything else has been assigned to it.

  • A logical combination of expressions using the operators ! (not), && (logical “and”), or || (logical “or”). Note that && and \|\| short circuit as in C, i.e. A && B will only evaluate B if A is true, and A || B will only evaluate B if A is false.

Repeated execution of statements for as long as a condition is true is possible with a while statement:

while ( condition ) statements

Or the test may happen after the body of the loop, with a do/while loop:

do statement while ( condition )

Also, for loops are also allowed:

for ( initialization-statement ; condition ; iteration-statement )

As in C++, a for loop’s initialization may contain variable declarations and initializations, which are scoped locally to the for loop itself. For example,

      for (int i = 0;  i < 3;  ++i) {

As with if statements, loop conditions may be relations or numerical quantities (which are considered “true” if nonzero, “false” if zero), or strings (considered “true” if nonempty, “false” if the empty string "".

Inside the body of a loop, the break statement terminates the loop altogether, and the continue statement skip to the end of the body and proceeds to the next iteration of the loop.

6.5. Functions#

Function definitions#

You may define functions much like in C or C++.

return-type function-name ( optional-parameters )

Parameters to functions are similar to shader parameters, except that they do not permit initializers. A function call must pass values for all formal parameters. Function parameters in OSL are all passed by reference, and are read-only within the body of the function unless they are also designated as output (in the same manner as output shader parameters).

Like for shaders, statements inside functions may be actual executions (assignments, function call, etc.), local variable declarations (visible only from within the body of the function), or local function declarations (callable only from within the body of the function).

The return type may be any simple data type, a struct, or a closure. Functions may not return arrays. The return type may be void, indicating that the function does not return a value (and should not contain a return statement). A return statement inside the body of the function will halt execution of the function at that point, and designates the value that will be returned (if not a void function).

Functions may be overloaded. That is, multiple functions may be defined to have the same name, as long as they have differently-typed parameters, so that when the function is called the list of arguments can select which version of the function is desired. When there are multiple potential matches, function versions whose argument types match exactly are favored, followed by those that match with type coercion (for example, passing an int when the function expects a float, or passing a float when the function expects a color), and finally by trying to match the return value to the type of variable the result is assigned to.

Function calls#

Function calls are very similar to C and related programming languages:

functionname ( arg1 ,, argn )

If the function returns a value (not void), you may use its value as an expression. It is fine to completely ignore the value of even a non-void function.

In OSL, all arguments are passed by reference. This generally will not be noticeably different from C-style “pass by value” semantics, except if you pass the same variable as two separate arguments to a function that modifies an argument’s value.

Certain functions allow optional arguments to be passed.
Optional arguments are key-value pairs with the key passed as an argument and the associated value passed as the subsequent argument:

functionname ( arg1 ,, argn , “optionalkey” , optionalvalue ,)

Operator overloading#

OSL permits \emph{operator overloading}, which is the practice of providing a function that will be called when you use an operator like + or *. This is especially handy when you use struct to define mathematical types and wish for the usual math operators to work with them. Here is a typical example, which also shows the special naming convention that allows operator overloading:

    struct vector4 {
        float x, y, z, w;

    vector4 __operator__add__ (vector4 a, vector4 b) {
        return vector4 (a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y, a.z+b.z, a.w+b.w);

    shader test ()
        vector4 a = vector4 (.2, .3, .4, .5);
        vector4 b = vector4 (1, 2, 3, 4);

        vector4 c = a + b;   // Will call __operator__add__(vector4,vector4)
        printf ("a+b = %g %g %g %g\n", c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w);

The full list of these special function names is as follows (in order of decreasing operator precedence):


Overload function name




unary negation



unary bitwise



unary boolean ‘not’

































6.6. Global variables#

Global variables (sometimes called graphics state variables) contain the basic information that the renderer knows about the point being shaded, such as position, surface orientation, and default surface color. You need not declare these variables; they are simply available by default in your shader. Global variables available in shaders are listed in the following table:



point P

Position of the point you are shading. In a displacement shader, changing this variable displaces the surface.

vector I

The incident ray direction, pointing from the viewing position to the shading position P.

normal N

The surface “Shading” “normal of the surface at P. Changing N yields bump mapping.

normal Ng

The true surface normal at P. This can differ from N; N can be overridden in various ways including bump mapping and user-provided vertex normals, but Ng is always the true surface geometric normal of the surface at P.

float u, v

The 2D parametric coordinates of \P (on the particular geometric primitive you are shading).

vector dPdu, dPdv

Partial derivatives \(\partial P/\partial u\) and \(\partial P/\partial v\) tangent to the surface at P.

point Ps

Position at which the light is being queried (currently only used for light attenuation shaders)

float time

Current shutter time for the point being shaded.

float dtime

The amount of time covered by this shading sample.

vector dPdtime

How the surface position \P is moving per unit time

closure color Ci

Incident radiance — a closure representing the color of the light leaving the surface from P in the direction -I.

Accessibility of variables by shader type:


























u, v















