7. Standard Library Functions#

7.1. Basic math functions#

Mathematical constants#

OSL defines several mathematical constants:




















\(\ln 2\)


\(\ln 10\)


\(\log_2 e\)


\(\log_{10} e\)





Mathematical functions#

Most of these functions operate on a generic type that my be any of float, color, point, vector, or normal. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component (separately for x, y, and z).

type radians (type deg)
type degrees (type rad)

Convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.

type cos (type x)
type sin (type x)
type tan (type x)

Computes the cosine, sine, or tangent of x (measured in radians).

void sincos (type x, output type sinval, output type cosval)

Computes both the sine and cosine of \(x\) (measured in radians). If both are needed, this function is less expensive than calling sin() and cos() separately.

type acos (type x)
type asin (type y)
type atan (type y_over_x)
type atan2 (type y, type x)

Compute the principal value of the arc cosine, arc sine, and arc For acos() and asin(), the value of the argument will first be clamped to \([-1,1]\) to avoid invalid domain.

For acos(), the result will always be in the range of \([0, \pi]\), and for asin() and atan(), the result will always be in the range of \([-\pi/2, \pi/2]\). For atan2(), the signs of both arguments are used to determine the quadrant of the return value.

type cosh (type x)
type sinh (type x)
type tanh (type x)

Computes the hyperbolic cosine, sine, and tangent of \(x\) (measured in radians).

type pow (type x, type y)
type pow (type x, float y)

Computes \(x^y\). This function will return 0 for “undefined” operations, such as pow(-1,0.5).

type exp (type x)
type exp2 (type x)
type expm1 (type x)

Computes \(e^x\), \(2^x\), and \(e^x-1\), respectively. Note that expm1(x) is accurate even for very small values of \(x\).

type log (type x)
type log2 (type x)
type log10 (type x)
type log (type x, float b)

Computes the logarithm of \(x\) in base \(e\), 2, 10, or arbitrary base \(b\), respectively.

type logb (type x)

Returns the exponent of x, as a floating-point number.

type sqrt (type x)
type inversesqrt (type x)

Computes \(\sqrt{x}\) and \(1/\sqrt{x}\). Returns 0 if \(x<0\).

type cbrt (type x)

Computes \(\sqrt[3]{x}\). The sign of the return value will match \(x\).

float hypot (float x, float y)
float hypot (float x, float y, float z)

Computes \(\sqrt{x^2+y^2}\) and \(\sqrt{x^2+y^2+z^z}\), respectively.

type abs (type x)
type fabs (type x)

Absolute value of \(x\). (The two functions are synonyms.)

type sign (type x)

Returns 1 if \(x>0\), -1 if \(x<0\), 0 if \(x=0\).

type floor (type x)
type ceil (type x)
type round (type x)
type trunc (type x)

Various rounding methods: floor returns the largest integer less than or equal to \(x\); ceil returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to \(x\); round returns the closest integer to \(x\), in either direction (rounding away from 0 in cases where \(x\) is exactly half way between integers); and trunc returns the integral part of \(x\) (equivalent to floor if \(x>0\) and ceil if \(x<0\)).

type fmod (type a, type b)
type mod (type a, type b)

The fmod() function returns the floating-point remainder of \(a/b\), i.e., is the floating-point equivalent of the integer % operator. It is nearly identical to the C or C++ fmod function, except that in OSL, fmod(a,0) returns 0, rather than NaN. Note that if \(a < 0\), the return value will be negative.

The mod() function returns \(a - b*\mbox{floor}(a/b)\), which will always be a positive number or zero.

As an example, fmod(-0.25,1.0) = -0.25, but mod(-0.25,1.0) = 0.75. For positive a they return the same value.

For both functions, the type may be any of float, point, vector, normal, or color.

type min (type a, type b)
type max (type a, type b)
type clamp (type x, type minval, type maxval)

The min() and max() functions return the minimum or maximum, respectively, of a list of two or more values. The clamp function returns


that is, the value \(x\) clamped to the specified range.

type mix (type x, type y, type alpha)
type mix (type x, type y, float alpha)

The mix function returns a linear blending: \( x*(1-\alpha) + y*(\alpha) \)

type select (type x, type y, type cond)
type select (type x, type y, float cond)
type select (type x, type y, int cond)

The select function returns x if cond is zero, or y if cond is nonzero. This is roughly equivalent to (cond ? y : x), except that if cond is a component-based type (such as color), the selection happens on a component-by-component basis. It is presumed that the underlying implementation is not a true conditional and will not incur any branching penalty.

int isnan (float x)
int isinf (float x)
int isfinite (float x)

The isnan() function returns 1 if \(x\) is a not-a-number (NaN) value, 0 otherwise. The isinf() function returns 1 if \(x\) is an infinite (Inf or -Inf) value, 0 otherwise. The isfinite() function returns 1 if \(x\) is an ordinary number (neither infinite nor NaN), 0 otherwise.

float erf (float x)
float erfc (float x)

The erf() function returns the error function \({\mathrm{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int_0^x e^{-t^2}} dt\). The erfc returns the complementary error function 1-erf(x) (useful in maintaining precision for large values of \(x\)).

7.2. Geometric functions#

ptype ptype (float f)
ptype ptype (float x, float y, float z)

Constructs a point-like value (ptype may be any of point, vector, or normal) from individual float values. If constructed from a single float, the value will be replicated for \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\).

ptype ptype (string space, f)
ptype ptype (string space, float x, float y, float z)

Constructs a point-like value (ptype may be any of point, vector, or normal) from individual float coordinates, relative to the named coordinate system. In other words,

    point (space, x, y, z)

is equivalent to

    transform (space, "common", point(x,y,z))

(And similarly for vector/normal.)

float dot (vector A, vector B)

Returns the inner product of the two vectors (or normals), i.e., \(A \cdot B = A_x B_x + A_y B_y + A_z B_z\).

vector cross (vector A, vector B)

Returns the cross product of two vectors (or normals), i.e., \(A \times B\).

float length (vector V)
float length (normal V)

Returns the length of a vector or normal.

float distance (point P0, point P1)

Returns the distance between two points.

float distance (point P0, point P1, point Q)

Returns the distance from Q to the closest point on the line segment joining P0 and P1.

vector normalize (vector V)
normal normalize (normal V)

Return a vector in the same direction as \(V\) but with length 1, that is, V / length(V).

vector faceforward (vector N, vector I, vector Nref)
vector faceforward (vector N, vector I)

If dot (Nref, I) \(<0\), returns N, otherwise returns -N. For the version with only two arguments, Nref is implicitly Ng, the true surface normal. The point of these routines is to return a version of N that faces towards the camera — in the direction “opposite” of I.

To further clarify the situation, here is the implementation of faceforward expressed in OSL:

vector faceforward (vector N, vector I, vector Nref)
    return (I.Nref > 0) ? -N : N;

vector faceforward (vector N, vector I)
    return faceforward (N, I, Ng);
vector reflect (vector I, vector N)

For incident vector I and surface orientation N, returns the reflection direction R = I - 2*(N.I)*N. Note that N must be normalized (unit length) for this formula to work properly.

vector refract (vector I, vector N, float eta)

For incident vector I and surface orientation N, returns the refraction direction using Snell’s law. The eta parameter is the ratio of the index of refraction of the volume containing I divided by the index of refraction of the volume being entered. The result is not necessarily normalized and a zero-length vector is returned in the case of total internal reflection. For reference, here is the equivalent OSL of the implementation:

vector refract (vector I, vector N, float eta)
    float IdotN = dot (I, N);
    float k = 1 - eta*eta * (1 - IdotN*IdotN);
    return (k < 0) ? vector(0,0,0) : (eta*I - N * (eta*IdotN + sqrt(k)));
void fresnel (vector I, normal N, float eta, output float Kr, output float Kt, output vector R, output vector T)

According to Snell’s law and the Fresnel equations, fresnel computes the reflection and transmission direction vectors R and T, respectively, as well as the scaling factors for reflected and transmitted light, Kr and Kt. The I parameter is the normalized incident ray, N is the normalized surface normal, and eta is the ratio of refractive index of the medium containing I to that on the opposite side of the surface.

point rotate (point Q, float angle, point P0, point P1)
point rotate (point Q, float angle, vector axis)

Returns the point computed by rotating point Q by angle radians about the axis that passes from point P0 to P1, or about the axis vector centered on the origin.

ptype transform (string tospace, ptype p)
ptype transform (string fromspace, string tospace, ptype p)
ptype transform (matrix Mto, ptype p)

Transform a point, vector, or normal (depending on the type of the ptype p argument) from the coordinate system named by fromspace to the one named by tospace. If fromspace is not supplied, p is assumed to be in “common” space coordinates, so the transformation will be from “common” space to tospace. A \(4 \times 4\) matrix may be passed directly rather than specifying coordinate systems by name.

Depending on the type of the passed point p, different transformation semantics will be used. A point will transform as a position, a vector as a direction without regard to positioning, and a normal will transform subtly differently than a vector in order to preserve orthogonality to the surface under nonlinear scaling.

Technically, what happens is this: The from and to spaces determine a \(4 \times 4\) matrix. A point \((x,y,z)\) will transform the 4-vector \((x,y,z,1)\) by the matrix; a vector will transform \((x,y,z,0)\) by the matrix; a normal will transform \((x,y,z,0)\) by the inverse of the transpose of the matrix.

float transformu (string tounits, float x)
float transformu (string fromunits, string tounits, float x)

Transform a measurement from fromunits to tounits. If fromunits is not supplied, \(x\) will be assumed to be in “common” space units.

For length conversions, unit names may be any of: "mm", "cm", "m", "km", "in", "ft", "mi", or the name of any coordinate system, including "common", "world", "shader", or any other named coordinate system that the renderer knows about.

For time conversions, units may be any of: "s", "frames", or "common" (which indicates whatever timing units the renderer is using).

It is only valid to convert length units to other length units, or time units to other time units. Attempts to convert length to time or vice versa will result in an error. Don’t even think about trying to convert monetary units to time.

7.3. Color functions#

color color (float f)
color color (float r, float g, float b)

Constructs a color from individual float values. If constructed from a single float, the value will be replicated for r, \(g\), and \(b\).

color color (string colorspace, f)
color color (string colorspace, float r, float g, float b)

Constructs an RGB color that is equivalent to the individual float values in a named color space. In other words,

    color (colorspace, r, g, b)

is equivalent to

    transformc (colorspace, "rgb", color(r, g, b))
float luminance (color rgb)

Returns the linear luminance of the color rgb, which is implemented per the ITU-R standard as \(0.2126 R + 0.7152 G + 0.0722 B\).

color blackbody (float temperatureK)

The blackbody() function returns the blackbody emission (the incandescent glow of warm bodies) expected from a material of the given temperature in Kelvin, in units of \(W/m^2\). Note that emission() has units of radiance, so will require a scaling factor of \(1/\pi\) on surfaces, and \(1/4\pi\) on volumes to convert to \(W/m^2/sr\).

color wavelength_color (float wavelength_nm)

Returns an RGB color corresponding as closely as possible to the perceived color of a pure spectral color of the given wavelength (in nm).

color transformc (string fromspace, string tospace, color Cfrom)
color transformc (string tospace, color Cfrom)

Transforms color Cfrom from color space fromspace to color space tospace. If fromspace is not supplied, it is assumed to be transforming from “RGB” space.

7.4. Matrix functions#

matrix matrix (float m00, float m01, float m02, float  m03,
\(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\) float m10, float m11, float m12, float m13,
\(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\) float m20, float m21, float m22, float m23,
\(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\) float m30, float m31, float m32, float m33)

Constructs a matrix from 16 individual float values, in row-major order.

matrix matrix (float f)

Constructs a matrix with f in all diagonal components, 0 in all other components. In other words, matrix(1) is the identity matrix, and matrix(f) is f*matrix(1).

matrix matrix (string fromspace, float m00, ..., float m33)
matrix matrix (string fromspace, float f)

Constructs a matrix relative to the named space, multiplying it by the space-to-common transformation matrix. If the coordinate system name is unknown, it will be assumed to be the identity matrix.

Note that matrix (space, 1) returns the space-to-common transformation matrix. If the coordinate system name is unknown, it will be assumed to be the identity matrix.

matrix matrix (string fromspace, string tospace)

Constructs a matrix that can be used to transform coordinates from fromspace to tospace. If either of the coordinate system names are unknown, they will be assumed to be the identity matrix.

int getmatrix (string fromspace, string tospace, output matrix M)

Sets M to the matrix that transforms coordinates from fromspace to tospace. Return 1 upon success, or 0 if either of the coordinate system names are unknown (in which case M will not be modified). This is very similar to the matrix(from,to) constructor, except that getmatrix() allows the shader to gracefully handle unknown coordinate system names.

float determinant (matrix M)

Computes the determinant of matrix M.

matrix transpose (matrix M)

Computes the transpose of matrix M.

7.5. Pattern generation#

float step (float edge, float x)
type step (type edge, type x)

Returns 0 if \(x < {\mathit edge}\) and 1 if \(x \ge {\mathit edge}\).

The type may be any of of float, color, point, vector, or normal. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component (separately for \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\)).

float linearstep (float edge0, float edge1, float x)
type linearstep (type edge0, type edge1, type x)

Returns 0 if x \(\le\) edge0, and 1 if x \(\ge\) edge1, and performs a linear interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 \(<\) x \(<\) edge1. This is equivalent to step(edge0, x) when edge0 == edge1. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component (separately for \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\)).

float smoothstep (float edge0, float edge1, float x)
type smoothstep (type edge0, type edge1, type x)

Returns 0 if x \(\le\) edge0, and 1 if x \(\ge\) edge1, and performs a smooth Hermite interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 \(<\) x \(<\) edge1. This is useful in cases where you would want a thresholding function with a smooth transition.

The type may be any of of float, color, point, vector, or normal. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component.

float smooth_linearstep (float edge0, float edge1, float x, float eps)
type smooth_linearstep (type edge0, type edge1, type x, type eps)

This function is strictly linear between edge0 + eps and edge1 - eps but smoothly ramps to 0 between edge0 - eps and edge0 + eps and smoothly ramps to 1 between edge1 - eps and edge1 + eps. It is 0 when x \(\le\) edge0-eps, and 1 if x \(\ge\) edge1 + eps, and performs a linear interpolation between 0 and 1 when edge0 < x < edge1. For color and point-like types, the computations are performed component-by-component.

type noise (string noisetype, float u, ...)
type noise (string noisetype, float u, float v, ...)
type noise (string noisetype, point p, ...)
type noise (string noisetype, point p, float t, ...)

Returns a continuous, pseudo-random (but repeatable) scalar field defined on a domain of dimension 1 (float), 2 (2 float’s), 3 (point), or 4 (point and float), with a return value of either 1D (float) or 3D (color, point, vector, or normal).

The noisename specifies which of a variety of possible noise functions will be used:

"perlin", "snoise"

A signed Perlin-like gradient noise with an output range of \([-1,1]\), approximate average value of \(0\), and is exactly \(0\) at integer lattice points. This is equivalent to the snoise() function.

"uperlin", "noise"

An unsigned Perlin-like gradient noise with an output range of \((0,1)\), approximate average value of \(0.5\), and is exactly \(0.5\) at integer lattice points. This is equivalent to the noise() function (the one that doesn’t take a name string).


A discrete function that is constant on \([i,i+1)\) for all integers \(i\) (i.e., cellnoise(x) == cellnoise(floor(x))), but has a different and uncorrelated value at every integer. The range is \([0,1]\), its large-scale average is 0.5, and its values are evenly distributed over \([0,1]\).


A function that returns a different, uncorrelated (but deterministic and repeatable) value at every real input coordinate. The range is \([0,1]\) its large-scale average is 0.5, and its values are evenly distributed over \([0,1]\).


A signed simplex noise with an output range of \([-1,1]\), approximate average value of \(0\).


An unsigned simplex noise with an output range of \([0,1]\), approximate average value of \(0.5\).


A band-limited, filtered, sparse convolution noise based on the Gabor impulse function (see Lagae et al., SIGGRAPH 2012). Our Gabor noise is designed to have somewhat similar frequency content and range as Perlin noise (range \([-1,1]\), approximately large-scale average of \(0\)). It is significantly more expensive than Perlin noise, but its advantage is that it correctly filters automatically based on the input derivatives. Gabor noise allows several optional parameters to the noise() call:

"anisotropic", int
"direction", vector

If anisotropic is 0 (the default), Gabor noise will be isotropic. If anisotropic is 1, the Gabor noise will be anisotropic with the 3D frequency given by the direction vector (which defaults to (1,0,0)). If anisotropic is 2, a hybrid mode will be used which is anisotropic along the direction vector, but radially isotropic perpendicular to that vector. The direction vector is not used if anisotropic is 0.

"bandwidth", float

Controls the bandwidth for Gabor noise. The default is 1.0.

"impulses", float

Controls the number of impulses per cell for Gabor noise. The default is 16.

"do_filter", int

If do_filter is 0, no filtering/antialiasing will be performed. The default is 1 (yes, do filtering). There is probably no good reason to ever turn off the filtering, it is primarily to test that the filtering is working properly.

Note that some of the noise varieties have an output range of \([-1,1]\) but others have range \([0,1]\); some may automatically antialias their output (based on the derivatives of the lookup coordinates) and others may not, and various other properties may differ. The user should be aware of which noise varieties are useful in various circumstances.

A particular renderer’s implementation of OSL may supply additional noise varieties not described here.

The noise() functions take optional arguments after their coordinates, passed as token/value pairs (similarly to optional texture arguments). Generally, such arguments are specific to the type of noise, and are ignored for noise types that don’t understand them.

type pnoise (string noisetype, float u, float uperiod)
type pnoise (string noisetype, float u, float v, float uperiod, float vperiod)
type pnoise (string noisetype, point p, point pperiod)
type pnoise (string noisetype, point p, float t, point pperiod, float tperiod)

Periodic version of noise(), in which the domain wraps with the given period(s). Generally, only integer-valued periods are supported.

type noise (float u)
type noise (float u, float v)
type noise (point p)
type noise (point p, float t)

type snoise (float u)
type snoise (float u, float v)
type snoise (point p)
type snoise (point p, float t)

The old noise(...coords...) function is equivalent to noise("uperlin",...coords...) and snoise(...coords...) is equivalent to noise("perlin",...coords...).

type pnoise (float u, float uperiod)
type pnoise (float u, float v, float uperiod, float vperiod)
type pnoise (point p, point pperiod)
type pnoise (point p, float t, point pperiod, float tperiod)

type psnoise (float u, float uperiod)
type psnoise (float u, float v, float uperiod, float vperiod)
type psnoise (point p, point pperiod)
type psnoise (point p, float t, point pperiod, float tperiod)

The old pnoise(...coords...) function is equivalent to pnoise("uperlin",...coords...) and psnoise(...coords...) is equivalent to pnoise("perlin",...coords...).

type cellnoise (float u)
type cellnoise (float u, float v)
type cellnoise (point p)
type cellnoise (point p, float t)

: The old cellnoise(...coords...) function is equivalent to noise("cell",...coords...).

type hashnoise (float u)
type hashnoise (float u, float v)
type hashnoise (point p)
type hashnoise (point p, float t)

Returns a deterministic, repeatable hash of the 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-D coordinates. The return values will be evenly distributed on \([0,1]\) and be completely repeatable when passed the same coordinates again, yet will be uncorrellated to hashes of any other positions (including nearby points). This is like having a random value indexed spatially, but that will be repeatable from frame to frame of an animation (provided its input is precisely identical).

int hash (float u)
int hash (float u, float v)
int hash (point p)
int hash (point p, float t)
int hash (int i)

Returns a deterministic, repeatable integer hash of the 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-D coordinates.

type spline (string basis, float x, type \(\mathtt{y}_0\), type \(\mathtt{y}_1\), … type \(\mathtt{y}_{n-1}\))
type spline (string basis, float x, type y[])
type spline (string basis, float x, int nknots, type y[])

As \(x\) varies from 0 to 1, spline returns the value of a cubic interpolation of uniformly-spaced knots \(y_0\)\(y_{n-1}\), or \(y[0]\)\(y[n-1]\) for the array version of the call (where \(n\) is the length of the array), or \(y[0]\)\(y[nknots-1]\) for the version that explicitly specifies the number of knots (which may be less than the full array length). The input value \(x\) will be clamped to lie on \([0,1]\). The type may be any of float, color, point, vector, or normal; for multi-component types (e.g. color), each component will be interpolated separately.

The type of interpolation is specified by the basis parameter, which may be any of: "catmull-rom", "bezier", "bspline", "hermite", "linear", or "constant". Some basis types require particular numbers of knot values – Bezier splines require \(3n+1\) values, Hermite splines require \(2n+2\) values, and all of Catmull-Rom, linear, and constant requires \(3+n\), where in all cases, \(n \ge 1\) is the number of spline segments.

To maintain consistency with the other spline types, "linear" splines will ignore the first and last data value; interpolating piecewise-linearly between \(y_1\) and \(y_{n-2}\), and "constant" splines ignore the first and the two last data values.

float splineinverse (string basis, float v, float y0, ... float yn-1 )
float splineinverse (string basis, float v, float y[])
float splineinverse (string basis, float v, int nknots, float y[])

Computes the inverse of the spline() function, i.e., returns the value \(x\) for which

spline (basis, x, y...)

would return value \(v\). Results are undefined if the knots do not specify a monotonic (only increasing or only decreasing) set of values.

Note that the combination of spline() and splineinverse() makes it possible to compute a full spline-with-nonuniform-abscissae:

float v = splineinverse (basis, x, nknots, abscissa);
result = spline (basis, v, nknots, value);

7.6. Derivatives and area operators#

float Dx (float a), Dy (float a), Dz (float a)
vector Dx (point a), Dy (point a), Dz (point a)
vector Dx (vector a), Dy (vector a), Dz (vector a)
color Dx (color a), Dy (color a), Dz (color a)

Compute an approximation to the partial derivatives of \(a\) with respect to each of two principal directions, \(\partial a / \partial x\) and \(\partial a / \partial y\). Depending on the renderer implementation, those directions may be aligned to the image plane, on the surface of the object, or something else.

The Dz function is only meaningful for volumetric shading, and is expected to return 0 in other contexts. It is also possible that particular OSL implementations may only return “correct” Dz values for particular inputs (such as P).

float filterwidth (float x)
vector filterwidth (point x)
vector filterwidth (vector x)

Compute differentials of the argument x, i.e., the approximate change in x between adjacent shading samples.

float area (point p)

Returns the differential area of position p corresponding to this shading sample. If p is the actual surface position P, then area(P) will return the surface area of the section of the surface that is “covered” by this shading sample.

vector calculatenormal (point p)

Returns a vector perpendicular to the surface that is defined by point p (as p is computed at all points on the currently-shading surface), taking into account surface orientation.

float aastep (float edge, float s)
float aastep (float edge, float s, float ds)
float aastep (float edge, float s, float dedge, float ds)

Computes an antialiased step function, similar to step(edge,s) but filtering the edge to take into account how rapidly s and edge are changing over the surface. If the differentials ds and/or dedge are not passed explicitly, they will be automatically computed (using filterwidth()).

7.7. Displacement functions#

void displace (float amp)
void displace (string space, float amp)
void displace (vector offset)

Displace the surface in the direction of the shading normal N by amp units as measured in the named space (or “common” space if none is specified). Alternately, the surface may be moved by a fully general offset, which does not need to be in the direction of the surface normal.

In either case, this function both displaces the surface and adjusts the shading normal N to be the new surface normal of the displaced surface (properly handling both continuously smooth surfaces as well as interpolated normals on faceted geometry, without introducing faceting artifacts).

void bump (float amp)
void bump (string space, float amp)
void bump (vector offset)

Adjust the shading normal N to be the surface normal as if the surface had been displaced by the given amount (see the displace() function description), but without actually moving the surface positions.

7.8. String functions#

void printf (string fmt, ...)

Much as in C, printf takes a format string fmt and an argument list, and prints the resulting formatted string to the console.

Where the fmt contains a format string similar to printf in the C language. The %d, %i, %o, and %x arguments expect an int argument. The %f, %g, and %e expect a float, color, point-like, or matrix argument (for multi-component types such as color, the format will be applied to each of the components). The %s expects a string or closure argument.

All of the substitution commands follow the usual C/C++ formatting rules, so format commands such as "%6.2f", etc., should work as expected.

string format (string fmt, ...)

The format function works similarly to printf, except that instead of printing the results, it returns the formatted text as a string.

void error (string fmt, ...)
void warning (string fmt, ...)

The error() and warning() functions work similarly to printf, but the results will be printed as a renderer error or warning message, possibly including information about the name of the shader and the object being shaded, and other diagnostic information.

void fprintf (string filename, string fmt, ...)

The fprintf() function works similarly to printf, but rather than printing to the default text output stream, the results will be concatenated onto the end of the text file named by filename.

string concat (string s1, ..., string sN)

Concatenates a list of strings, returning the aggregate string.

int strlen (string s)

Return the number of characters in string s.

int startswith (string s, string prefix)

Return 1 if string s begins with the substring prefix, otherwise return 0.

int endswith (string s, string suffix)

Return 1 if string s ends with the substring suffix, otherwise return 0.

int stoi (string str)

Convert/decode the initial part of str to an int representation. Base 10 is assumed. The return value will be 0 if the string doesn’t appear to hold valid representation of the destination type.

float stof (string str)

Convert/decode the initial part of str to a float representation. The return value will be 0 if the string doesn’t appear to hold valid representation of the destination type.

string substr (string str, output string results[], string sep, int maxsplit)
string substr (string str, output string results[], string sep)
string substr (string str, output string results[])

Fills the result array with the words in the string str, using sep as the delimiter string. If maxsplit is supplied, at most maxsplit splits are done. If sep is "" (or if not supplied), any whitespace string is a separator. The value returned is the number of elements (separated strings) written to the results array.

string substr (string s, int start, int length)
string substr (string s, int start)

Return at most length characters from s, starting with the character indexed by start (beginning with 0). If length is omitted, return the rest of s, starting with start. If start is negative, it counts backwards from the end of the string (for example, substr(s,-1) returns just the last character of s).

int getchar (string s, int n)

Returns the numeric value of the \(n^{\mathrm{th}}\) character of the string, or 0 if N does not index a valid character of the string.

int hash (string s)

Returns a deterministic, repeatable hash of the string.

int regex_search (string subject, string regex)
int regex_search (string subject, int results[], string regex)

Returns 1 if any substring of subject matches a standard POSIX regular expression regex, 0 if it does not.

In the form that also supplies a results array, when a match is found, the array will be filled in as follows:


the character index of the start of the sequence that matched the regular expression.


the character index of the end (i.e., one past the last matching character) of the sequence that matched the regular expression.

results[ \(2i\) ]

the character index of the start of the sequence that matched sub-expression \(i\) of the regular expression.

results[ \(2i+1\) ]

the character index of the end (i.e., one past the last matching character) of the sequence that matched sub-expression \(i\) of the regular expression.

Sub-expressions are denoted by surrounding them in parentheses in the regular expression.

A few examples illustrate regular expression searching:

    r = regex_search ("foobar.baz", "bar");    //  = 1
    r = regex_search ("foobar.baz", "bark");   //  = 0

    int match[2];
    regex_search ("foobar.baz", match, "[Oo]{2}") = 1
                                      (match[0] == 1, match[1] == 3)
    substr ("foobar.baz", match[0], match[1]-match[0]) = "oo"

    int match[6];
    regex_search ("foobar.baz", match, "(f[Oo]{2}).*(.az)") = 1
    substr ("foobar.baz", match[0], match[1]-match[0]) = "foobar.baz"
    substr ("foobar.baz", match[2], match[3]-match[2]) = "foo"
    substr ("foobar.baz", match[4], match[5]-match[4]) = "baz"
int regex_match (string subject, string regex)
int regex_match (string subject, int results[], string regex)

Identical to regex_search, except that it must match the whole subject string, not merely a substring.

7.9. Texture#

type texture (string filename, float s, float t, ...params... )
type texture (string filename, float s, float t,
\(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\) float dsdx, float dtdx, float dsdy, float dtdy, ...params... )

Perform a texture lookup of an image file, indexed by 2D coordinates (s,t), antialiased over a region defined by the differentials dsdx, dtdx, dsdy and dtdy (which are computed automatically from s and t, if not supplied). Whether the results are assigned to a float or a color (or type cast to one of those) determines whether the texture lookup is a single channel or three channels.

The 2D lookup coordinate(s) may be followed by optional key-value arguments (see Section Function calls) that control the behavior of texture():

"blur", float

Additional blur when looking up the texture value (default: 0). The blur amount is relative to the size of the texture (i.e., 0.1 blurs by a kernel that is 10% of the full width and height of the texture).

The blur may be specified separately in the s and t directions by using the "sblur" and "tblur" parameters, respectively.

"width", float

Scale (multiply) the size of the filter as defined by the differentials (or implicitly by the differentials of s and t). The default is 1, meaning that no special scaling is performed. A width of 0 would effectively turn off texture filtering entirely.

The width value may be specified separately in the s and t directions by using the "swidth" and "twidth" parameters, respectively.

"wrap", string

Specifies how the texture wraps coordinates outside the \([0,1]\) range. Supported wrap modes include: "black", "periodic", "clamp", "mirror", and "default" (which is the default). A value of "default" indicates that the renderer should use any wrap modes specified in the texture file itself (a non-"default" value overrides any wrap mode specified by the file).

The wrap modes may be specified separately in the s and t directions by using the "swrap" and "twrap" parameters, respectively.

"firstchannel", int

The first channel to look up from the texture map (default: 0).

"subimage", int
subimage", string

Specify the subimage (by numerical index, or name) of the subimage within a multi-image texture file (default: subimage 0).

"fill", float

The value to return for any channels that are requested, but not present in the texture file (default: 0).

"missingcolor", color, "missingalpha", float

If present, supplies a missing color (and alpha value) that will be used for missing or broken textures – instead of treating it as an error. If you want a missing or broken texture to be reported as an error, you must not supply the optional "missingcolor" parameter.

"alpha", floatvariable

The alpha channel (presumed to be the next channel following the channels returned by the texture() call) will be stored in the variable specified. This allows for RGBA lookups in a single call to texture().

"errormessage", stringvariable

If this option is supplied, any error messages generated by the texture system will be stored in the specified variable rather than issuing error calls to the renderer, thus leaving it up to the shader to handle any errors. The error message stored will be "" if no error occurred.

"interp", string

Overrides the texture interpolation method: "smartcubic" (the default), "cubic", "linear", or "closest".

type texture3d (string filename, point p, ...params... )
type texture3d (string filename, point p, vector dpdx, vector dpdy, vector dpdz, ...params... )

Perform a 3D lookup of a volume texture, indexed by 3D coordinate p, antialiased over a region defined by the differentials dpdx, dpdy, and dpdz (which are computed automatically from p, if not supplied). Whether the results are assigned to a float or a color (or type cast to one of those) determines whether the texture lookup is a single channel or three channels.

The p coordinate (and dpdx, dpdy, and dpdz derivatives, if supplied) are assumed to be in “common” space and will be automatically transformed into volume local coordinates, if such a transormation is specified in the volume file itself.

The 3D lookup coordinate may be followed by optional token/value arguments that control the behavior of texture3d():

"blur", float

Additional blur when looking up the texture value (default: 0). The blur amount is relative to the size of the texture (i.e., 0.1 blurs by a kernel that is 10% of the full width, height, and depth of the texture).

The blur may be specified separately in the s, t, and r directions by using the "sblur", "tblur", and "rblur" parameters, respectively.

"width", float

Scale (multiply) the size of the filter as defined by the differentials (or implicitly by the differentials of s, t, and r). The default is 1, meaning that no special scaling is performed. A width of 0 would effectively turn off texture filtering entirely.

The width value may be specified separately in the s, t, and r directions by using the "swidth", "twidth", and "rwidth" parameters, respectively.

"wrap", string

Specifies how the texture wraps coordinates outside the \([0,1]\) range. Supported wrap modes include: "black", "periodic", "clamp", "mirror", and "default" (which is the default). A value of "default" indicates that the renderer should use any wrap modes specified in the texture file itself (a non-"default" value overrides any wrap mode specified by the file).

The wrap modes may be specified separately in the s, t, and r directions by using the "swrap", "twrap", and "rwrap" parameters, respectively.

"firstchannel", int

The first channel to look up from the texture map (default: 0).

"subimage", int
"subimage", string

Specify the subimage (by numerical index, or name) of the subimage within a multi-image texture file (default: subimage 0).

"fill", float

The value to return for any channels that are requested, but not present in the texture file (default: 0).

"missingcolor", color, "missingalpha", float

If present, supplies a missing color (and alpha value) that will be used for missing or broken textures – instead of treating it as an error. If you want a missing or broken texture to be reported as an error, you must not supply the optional "missingcolor" parameter.

"time", float

A time value to use if the volume texture specifies a time-varying local transformation (default: 0).

"alpha", floatvariable

The alpha channel (presumed to be the next channel following the channels returned by the texture3d() call) will be stored in the variable specified. This allows for RGBA lookups in a single call to texture3d().

"errormessage", ‘stringvariable’

If this option is supplied, any error messages generated by the texture system will be stored in the specified variable rather than issuing error calls to the renderer, thus leaving it up to the shader to handle any errors. The error message stored will be "" if no error occurred.

type environment (string filename, vector R, ...params... )
type environment (string filename, vector R, vector dRdx, vector dRdy, ...params... )

Perform an environment map lookup of an image file, indexed by direction R, antialiased over a region defined by the differentials dRdx, dRdy (which are computed automatically from R, if not supplied). Whether the results are assigned to a float or a color (or type cast to one of those) determines whether the texture lookup is a single channel or three channels.

The lookup direction (and optional derivatives) may be followed by optional token/value arguments that control the behavior of environment():

“blur”, float

Additional blur when looking up the texture value (default: 0). The blur amount is relative to the size of the texture (i.e., 0.1 blurs by a kernel that is 10% of the full width and height of the texture).

The blur may be specified separately in the s and t directions by using the "sblur" and "tblur" parameters, respectively.

“width”, float

Scale (multiply) the size of the filter as defined by the differentials (or implicitly by the differentials of s and t). The default is 1, meaning that no special scaling is performed. A width of 0 would effectively turn off texture filtering entirely.

The width value may be specified separately in the s and t directions by using the "swidth" and "twidth" parameters, respectively.

“firstchannel”, int

The first channel to look up from the texture map (default: 0).

“fill”, float

The value to return for any channels that are requested, but not present in the texture file (default: 0).

“missingcolor”, color, “missingalpha”, float

If present, supplies a missing color (and alpha value) that will be used for missing or broken textures – instead of treating it as an error. If you want a missing or broken texture to be reported as an error, you must not supply the optional "missingcolor" parameter.

“alpha”, floatvariable

The alpha channel (presumed to be the next channel following the channels returned by the environment() call) will be stored in the variable specified. This allows for RGBA lookups in a single call to environment().

“errormessage”, stringvariable

If this option is supplied, any error messages generated by the texture system will be stored in the specified variable rather than issuing error calls to the renderer, thus leaving it up to the shader to handle any errors. The error message stored will be "" if no error occurred.

int gettextureinfo (string texturename, string paramname, output type destination)
int gettextureinfo (string texturename, float s, float t, string paramname, output type destination)

Retrieves a parameter from a named texture file. If the file is found, and has a parameter that matches the name and type specified, its value will be stored in destination and gettextureinfo() will return 1. If the file is not found, or doesn’t have a matching parameter (including if the type does not match), destination will not be modified and gettextureinfo() will return 0.

The version of gettextureinfo() that takes s and t parameters retrieves information about the texture file that will be used for those texture coordinates. This can be useful for UDIM textures that may use different texture files for different regions, based on the corodinates. For regular, non-UDIM textures, the coordinates, if supplied, will be ignored. When UDIM textures are queried without coordinates supplied, it will succeed and return the texture info only if that parameter is found and has the same value in all files comprising the UDIM set. (Note: the version with coordinates was added in OSL 1.12.)

Valid parameters recognized are listed below:






Result is 1 if the file exists and is an texture format that OSL can read, or 0 if the file does not exist, or could not be properly read as a texture. Note that unlike all other queries, this query will “succeed” (return 1) if the file does not exist.



The resolution (\(x\) and \(y\)) of the highest MIPmap level stored in the texture map.



The resolution (\(x\), \(y\), and \(z\)) of the highest MIPmap level stored in the 3D texture map. If it isn’t a volumetric texture, the third component (z resolution) will be 1.



The number of channels in the texture map.



Returns the semantic type of the texture, one of: "Plain Texture", "Shadow", "Environment", Volume Texture".



Returns the number of subimages in the texture file.



Returns the texture format, one of: “Plain Texture”, “Shadow”, “CubeFace Shadow”, “Volume Shadow”, “CubeFace Environment”, “LatLong Environment”, “Volume Texture”. Note that this differs from "type" in that it specifically distinguishes between the different types of shadows and environment maps.



Returns the pixel data window of the image. The argument is an int array either of length 4 or 6, in which will be placed the (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) or (xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax), respectively. (N.B. the z values may be useful for 3D/volumetric images; for 2D images they will be 0).



Returns the display (a.k.a. full) window of the image. The argument is an int array either of length 4 or 6, in which will be placed the (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) or (xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax), respectively. (N.B. the z values may be useful for 3D/volumetric images; for 2D images they will be 0).



If the texture is a rendered image, retrieves the world-to-camera 3D transformation matrix that was used when it was created.



If the texture is a rendered image, retrieves the matrix that projected points from world space into a 2D screen coordinate system where \(x\) and \(y\) range from \(-1\) to \(+1\).



Retrieves the average color (first three channels) of the texture.



Retrieves the average alpha (the channel with "A" name) of the texture.

anything else


Searches for matching name and type in the metadata or other header information of the texture file.

int pointcloud_search (string ptcname, point pos, float radius, int maxpoints, [int sort,] string attr, Type data[], ..., string attrN, Type dataN[] )

Search the named point cloud for the maxpoints closest points to pos within the given radius, returning the values of any named attributes of those points in the the given data arrays. If the optional sort parameter is present and is nonzero, the ordering of the points found will be sorted by distance from pos, from closest to farthest; otherwise, the results are guaranteed to be the maxpoints closest to pos, but not necessarily sorted by distance (this may be faster for some implementations than when sorted results are required). The return value is the number of points returned, ranging from 0 (nothing found in the neighborhood) to the lesser of maxpoints and the actual lengths of the arrays (the arrays will never be written beyond their actual length).

These attribute names are reserved:






The position of each point



The distance between the point and pos



The point’s unique index within the cloud

Note that the named point cloud will be created, if it does not yet exist in memory, and that it will be initialized by reading a point cloud from disk, if there is one matching the name.

Generally, the element type of the data arrays must match exactly the type of the point data attribute, or else you will get a runtime error. But there are two exceptions: (1) “triple” types (color, point, vector, normal) are considered interchangeable; and (2) it is legal to retrieve float arrays (e.g., a point cloud attribute that is float[4]) into a regular array of float, and the results will simply be concatenated into the larger array (which must still be big enough, in total, to hold maxpoints of the data type in the file).


      float r = 3.0;
      point pos[10];
      color col[10];
      int n = pointcloud_search ("particles.ptc", P, r, 10,
                                 "position", pos, "color", col);
      printf ("Found %d particles within radius %f of (%p)\n", r, P);
      for (int i = 0;  i < n;  ++i)
          printf ("  position (%f) -> color (%g)\n", pos[i], col[i]);
int pointcloud_get (string ptcname, int indices[], int count, string attr, type data[])

Given a point cloud and a list of points indices[0..count-1], store the attribute named by attr for each point, respectively, in data[0..count-1]. Return 1 if successful, 0 for failure, which could include the attribute not matching the type of data, invalid indices, or an unknown point cloud file.

This can be used in conjunction with pointcloud_search(), as in the following example:

    float r = 3.0;
    int indices[10];
    int n = pointcloud_search ("particles.ptc", P, r, 10,
                               "index", indices);
    float temp[10];         // presumed to be "float" attribute
    float quaternions[40];  // presumed to be "float[4]" attribute
    int ok = pointcloud_get ("particles.ptc", indices, n,
                             "temperature", temp,
                             "quat", quaternions);

As with pointcloud_search, the element type of the data array must either be equivalent to the point cloud attribute being retrieved, or else when retrieving float arrays (e.g., a point cloud attribute that is float[4]) into a regular array of float, and the results will simply be concatenated into the larger array (which must still be big enough, in total, to hold maxpoints of the data type in the file).

int pointcloud_write (string ptcname, point pos, string attr1, type data1, ...)

Save the tuple (attr1, data1, …, attrN, dataN) at position pos in a named point cloud. The point cloud will be saved when the frame is finished computing. Return 1 if successful, 0 for failure, which could include the attributes not matching names or types at different positions in the point cloud.


      color C = ...;
      int ok = pointcloud_write ("particles.ptc", P, "normal", N, "color", C);

7.10. Material Closures#

For closure color functions, the return “value” is symbolic and may be passed to an output variable or assigned to Ci, to be evaluated at a later time convenient to the renderer in order to compute the exitant radiance in the direction -I. But the shader itself cannot examine the numeric values of the closure color.

The intent of this specification is to give a minimal but useful set of material closures that you can expect any renderer implementation to provide. Individual renderers may supply additional closures that are specific to the workings of that renderer. Additionally, individual renderers may allow additional parameters or controls on the standard closures, passed as token/value pairs following the required arguments (much like the optional arguments to the texture() function). Consult the documentation for your specific renderer for details.

OSL’s standard material closures are by synchronized to match the names and properties of the physically-based shading nodes of MaterialX v1.38 (https://www.materialx.org/).

Surface BSDF closures#

closure color oren_nayar_diffuse_bsdf (normal N, color albedo, float roughness)

Constructs a diffuse reflection BSDF based on the Oren-Nayar reflectance model.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Surface albedo.


Surface roughness [0,1]. A value of 0.0 gives Lambertian reflectance.

The Oren-Nayar reflection model is described in M. Oren and S. K. Nayar, “Generalization of Lambert’s Reflectance Model,” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1994, pp.239-246 (July, 1994).

closure color burley_diffuse_bsdf (normal N, color albedo, float roughness)

Constructs a diffuse reflection BSDF based on the corresponding component of the Disney Principled shading model.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Surface albedo.


Surface roughness [0,1]. A value of 0.0 gives Lambertian reflectance.

closure color dielectric_bsdf (normal N, vector U, color reflection_tint,  color transmission_tint, float roughness_x, float roughness_y,  float ior, string distribution)

Constructs a reflection and/or transmission BSDF based on a microfacet reflectance model and a Fresnel curve for dielectrics. The two tint parameters control the contribution of each reflection/transmission lobe. The tints should remain 100% white for a physically correct dielectric, but can be tweaked for artistic control or set to 0.0 for disabling a lobe.

The closure may be vertically layered over a base BSDF for the surface beneath the dielectric layer. This is done using the layer() closure. By chaining multiple dielectric_bsdf closures you can describe a surface with multiple specular lobes. If transmission is enabled (transmission_tint \(>\) 0.0) the closure may be layered over a VDF closure describing the surface interior to handle absorption and scattering inside the medium.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Tangent vector of the surface point being shaded.


Weight per color channel for the reflection lobe. Should be (1,1,1) for a physically-correct dielectric surface, but can be tweaked for artistic control. Set to (0,0,0) to disable reflection.


Weight per color channel for the transmission lobe. Should be (1,1,1) for a physically-correct dielectric surface, but can be tweaked for artistic control. Set to (0,0,0) to disable transmission.


Surface roughness in the U direction with a perceptually linear response over its range.


Surface roughness in the V direction with a perceptually linear response over its range.


Refraction index.


Microfacet distribution. An implementation is expected to support the following distributions: "ggx"


Optional float parameter for thickness of an iridescent thin film layer on top of this BSDF. Given in nanometers.


Optional float parameter for refraction index of the thin film layer.

closure color conductor_bsdf (normal N, vector U, float roughness_x, float roughness_y, color ior, color extinction, string distribution)

Constructs a reflection BSDF based on a microfacet reflectance model. Uses a Fresnel curve with complex refraction index for conductors/metals. If an artistic parametrization is preferred the artistic_ior() utility function can be used to convert from artistic to physical parameters.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Tangent vector of the surface point being shaded.


Surface roughness in the U direction with a perceptually linear response over its range.


Surface roughness in the V direction with a perceptually linear response over its range.


Refraction index.


Extinction coefficient.


Microfacet distribution. An implementation is expected to support the following distributions: "ggx"


Optional float parameter for thickness of an iridescent thin film layer on top of this BSDF. Given in nanometers.


Optional float parameter for refraction index of the thin film layer.

closure color generalized_schlick_bsdf (normal N, vector U, color reflection_tint, color transmission_tint, float roughness_x, float roughness_y, color f0, color f90, float exponent, string distribution)

Constructs a reflection and/or transmission BSDF based on a microfacet reflectance model and a generalized Schlick Fresnel curve. The two tint parameters control the contribution of each reflection/transmission lobe.

The closure may be vertically layered over a base BSDF for the surface beneath the dielectric layer. This is done using the layer() closure. By chaining multiple dielectric_bsdf closures you can describe a surface with multiple specular lobes. If transmission is enabled (transmission_tint \(>\) 0.0) the closure may be layered over a VDF closure describing the surface interior to handle absorption and scattering inside the medium.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Tangent vector of the surface point being shaded.


Weight per color channel for the reflection lobe. Set to (0,0,0) to disable reflection.


Weight per color channel for the transmission lobe. Set to (0,0,0) to disable transmission.


Surface roughness in the U direction with a perceptually linear response over its range.


Surface roughness in the V direction with a perceptually linear response over its range.


Reflectivity per color channel at facing angles.


Reflectivity per color channel at grazing angles.


Variable exponent for the Schlick Fresnel curve, the default value should be 5.


Microfacet distribution. An implementation is expected to support the following distributions: "ggx"


Optional float parameter for thickness of an iridescent thin film layer on top of this BSDF. Given in nanometers.


Optional float parameter for refraction index of the thin film layer.

closure color translucent_bsdf (normal N, color albedo)

Constructs a translucent (diffuse transmission) BSDF based on the Lambert reflectance model.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Surface albedo.


Surface roughness [0,1]. A value of 0.0 gives Lambertian reflectance.

closure color transparent_bsdf ( )

Constructs a closure that represents straight transmission through a surface.

closure color subsurface_bssrdf ( )

Constructs a BSSRDF for subsurface scattering within a homogeneous medium.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Single-scattering albedo of the medium.


Distance travelled inside the medium by white light before its color becomes transmission_color by Beer’s law. Given in scene length units, range [0,infinity). Together with transmission_color this determines the extinction coefficient of the medium.


Desired color resulting from white light transmitted a distance of ‘transmission_depth’ through the medium. Together with transmission_depth this determines the extinction coefficient of the medium.


Scattering anisotropy [-1,1]. Negative values give backwards scattering, positive values give forward scattering, and 0.0 gives uniform scattering.

closure color sheen_bsdf (normal N, color albedo, float roughness)

Constructs a microfacet BSDF for the back-scattering properties of cloth-like materials. This closure may be vertically layered over a base BSDF, where energy that is not reflected will be transmitted to the base closure.

Parameters include:


Normal vector of the surface point being shaded.


Surface albedo.


Surface roughness [0,1].

Volumetric material closures#

closure color anisotropic_vdf (color albedo, color extinction, float anisotropy)

Constructs a VDF scattering light for a general participating medium, based on the Henyey-Greenstein phase function. Forward, backward and uniform scattering is supported and controlled by the anisotropy input.

Parameters include:


Single-scattering albedo of the medium.


Volume extinction coefficient.


Scattering anisotropy [-1,1]. Negative values give backwards scattering, positive values give forward scattering, and 0.0 gives uniform scattering.

closure color medium_vdf (color albedo, float transmission_depth, color transmission_color, float anisotropy, float ior, int priority)

Constructs a VDF for light passing through a dielectric homogeneous medium, such as glass or liquids. The parameters transmission_depth and transmission_color control the extinction coefficient of the medium in an artist-friendly way. A priority can be set to determine the ordering of overlapping media.

Parameters include:


Single-scattering albedo of the medium.


Distance travelled inside the medium by white light before its color becomes transmission_color by Beer’s law. Given in scene length units, range [0,infinity). Together with transmission_color this determines the extinction coefficient of the medium.


Desired color resulting from white light transmitted a distance of ‘transmission_depth’ through the medium. Together with transmission_depth this determines the extinction coefficient of the medium.


Scattering anisotropy [-1,1]. Negative values give backwards scattering, positive values give forward scattering, and 0.0 gives uniform scattering.


Refraction index of the medium.


Priority of this medium (for nested dielectrics).

Light emission closures#

closure color uniform_edf (color emittance)

Constructs an EDF emitting light uniformly in all directions. This is used to represent a glowing/emissive material. When called in the context of a surface shader group, it implies that light is emitted in a full hemisphere centered around the surface normal. When called in the context of a volume shader group, it implies that light is emitted evenly in all directions around the point being shaded.

The emittance parameter is the amount of emission and has units of radiance (e.g., \(\mathrm{W}\cdot\mathrm{sr}^{-1}\cdot\mathrm{m}^{-2}\)). This means that a surface directly seen by the camera will directly reproduce the closure weight in the final pixel, regardless of being a surface or a volume.

For an emissive surface, if you divide the return value of uniform_edf() by surfacearea() * M_PI, then you can easily specify the total emissive power of the light (e.g., \(\mathrm{W}\)), regardless of its physical size.

Layering and Signaling closures#

closure color layer (closure color top, closure color base)

Vertically layer a layerable BSDF such as dielectric_bsdf, generalized_schlick_bsdf or sheen_bsdf over a BSDF or VDF. The implementation is target specific, but a standard way of handling this is by albedo scaling, using base*(1-reflectance(top)) + top, where reflectance() calculates the directional albedo of a given top BSDF.

closure color holdout ( )

Returns a closure color that does not represent any additional light reflection from the surface, but does signal to the renderer that the surface is a holdout object (appears transparent in the final output yet hides objects behind it). “Partial holdouts” may be designated by weighting the holdout() closure by a weight that is less than 1.0.

closure color debug (string outputname)

Returns a closure color that does not represent any additional light reflection from the surface, but does signal to the renderer to add the weight of the closure (which may be a float or a color) to the named output (i.e., AOV).

Material utility functions#

void artistic_ior (color reflectivity, color edge_tint, output color ior, output color extinction)

Converts the artistic parameterization reflectivity and edge_tint to complex IOR values. To be used with the conductor_bsdf() closure.

Parameters include:


Reflectivity per color channel at facing angles (\(r\) parameter in [OG14])


Color bias for grazing angles (\(g\) parameter in [OG14]). NOTE: This is not equal to ‘f90’ in a Schlick Fresnel parameterization.


Output refraction index.


Output extinction coefficient.

Reference: [OG14] Ole Gulbrandsen, “Artist Friendly Metallic Fresnel”, Journal of Computer Graphics Tools 3(4), 2014. http://jcgt.org/published/0003/04/03/paper.pdf

Deprecated closures#

These were described in the original OSL language specification, but beginning with OSL 1.12, these are considered deprecated. Support for them will be removed entirely in OSL 2.0.

Deprecated Surface closures#

closure color diffuse (normal N)

Returns a closure color that represents the Lambertian diffuse reflectance of a smooth surface,

\[ \int_{\Omega}{\frac{1}{\pi} \max(0, N \cdot \omega) Cl(P,\omega) d\omega} \]

where \(N\) is the unit-length forward-facing surface normal at P, \(\Omega\) is the set of all outgoing directions in the hemisphere surrounding \(N\), and \(Cl(P,\omega)\) is the incident radiance at P coming from the direction \(-\omega\).

closure color phong (normal N, float exponent)

Returns a closure color that represents specular reflectance of the surface using the Phong BRDF. The exponent parameter indicates how smooth or rough the material is (higher exponent values indicate a smoother surface).

closure color oren_nayar (normal N, float sigma)

Returns a closure color that represents the diffuse reflectance of a rough surface, implementing the Oren-Nayar reflectance formula. The sigma parameter indicates how smooth or rough the microstructure of the material is, with 0 being perfectly smooth and giving an appearance identical to diffuse().

The Oren-Nayar reflection model is described in M. Oren and S. K. Nayar, “Generalization of Lambert’s Reflectance Model,” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1994, pp.239-246 (July, 1994).

closure color ward (normal N, vector T, float xrough, float yrough)

Returns a closure color that represents the anisotropic specular reflectance of the surface at P. The N and T vectors, both presumed to be unit-length, are the surface normal and tangent, used to establish a local coordinate system for the anisotropic effects. The xrough and yrough specify the amount of roughness in the tangent (T) and bitangent (N \(\times\) T) directions, respectively.

The Ward BRDF is described in Ward, G., “Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection,” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1992.

closure color microfacet (string distribution, normal N, float alpha, float eta, int refract)

Returns a closure color that represents scattering on the surface using some microfacet distribution. A simplified isotropic version of the previous function.

closure color reflection (normal N, float eta)

Returns a closure color that represents sharp mirror-like reflection from the surface. The reflection direction will be automatically computed based on the incident angle. The eta parameter is the index of refraction of the material. The reflection() closure behaves as if it were implemented as follows:

    vector R = reflect (I, N);
    return raytrace (R);
closure color refraction (normal N, float eta)

Returns a closure color that represents sharp glass-like refraction of objects “behind” the surface. The eta parameter is the ratio of the index of refraction of the medium on the “inside” of the surface divided by the index of refration of the medium on the “outside” of the surface. The “outside” direction is the one specified by N.

The refraction direction will be automatically computed based on the incident angle and eta, and the radiance returned will be automatically scaled by the Fresnel factor for dielectrics. The refraction() closure behaves as if it were implemented as follows:

    float Kr, Kt;
    vector R, T;
    fresnel (I, N, eta, Kr, Kt, R, T);
    return Kt * raytrace (T);
closure color transparent ( )

Returns a closure color that shows the light behind the surface without any refractive bending of the light directions. The transparent() closure behaves as if it were implemented as follows:

    return raytrace (I);
closure color translucent ( )

Returns a closure color that represents the Lambertian diffuse translucence of a smooth surface, which is much like diffuse() except that it gathers light from the far side of the surface. The translucent() closure behaves as if it were implemented as follows:

    return diffuse (-N);

Deprecated Volumetric closures#

closure color isotropic ( )

Returns a closure color that represents the scattering of an isotropic volumetric material, scattering light evenly in all directions, regardless of its original direction.

closure color henyey_greenstein (float g)

Returns a closure color that represents the directional volumetric scattering by small suspended particles. The g parameter is the anisotropy factor, in the range \((-1, 1)\), with positive values indicating predominantly forward-scattering, negative values indicating predominantly back-scattering, and value of \(g=0\) resulting in isotropic scattering.

closure color absorption ( )

Returns a closure color that does not represent any additional light scattering, but rather signals to the renderer the absorption represents the scattering of an isotropic volumetric material, scattering light evenly in all directions, regardless of its original direction.

Deprecated Emission closures#

closure color emission ( )

Returns a closure color that represents a glowing/emissive material. When called in the context of a surface shader group, it implies that light is emitted in a full hemisphere centered around the surface normal. When called in the context of a volume shader group, it implies that light is emitted evenly in all directions around the point being shaded.

The weight of the emission closure has units of radiance (e.g., \(\mathrm{W}\cdot\mathrm{sr}^{-1}\cdot\mathrm{m}^{-2}\)). This means that a surface directly seen by the camera will directly reproduce the closure weight in the final pixel, regardless of being a surface or a volume.

For an emissive surface, if you divide the return value of emission() by surfacearea() * M_PI, then you can easily specify the total emissive power of the light (e.g., \(\mathrm{W}\)), regardless of its physical size.

closure color background ( )

Returns a closure color that represents the radiance of the “background” infinitely far away in the view direction. The implementation is renderer-specific, but often involves looking up from an HDRI environment map.

7.11. Renderer state and message passing#

int getattribute (string name, output type destination)
int getattribute (string name, int arrayindex, output type destination)
int getattribute (string object, string name, output type destination)
int getattribute (string object, string name, int arrayindex, output type destination)

Retrieves a named renderer attribute or the value of an interpolated geometric variable. If an object is explicitly named, that is the only place that will be searched ("global" means the global scene-wide attributes). For the forms of the function with no object name, or if the object name is the empty string "", the renderer will first search per-object attributes on the current object (or interpolated variables with that name attached to the object), then if not found it will search global scene-wide attributes.

If the attribute is found and can be converted to the type of destination, the attribute’s value will be stored in destination and getattribute will return 1. If not found, or the type cannot be converted, destination will not be modified and getattribute will return 0.

The automatic type conversions include those that are allowed by assignment in OSL source code: int to float, float to int (truncation), float (or int) to triple (replicating the value), any triple to any other triple. Additionally, the following conversions which are not allowed by assignment in OSL source code will also be performed by this call: float (or int) to float[2] (replication into both array elements), float[2] to triple (setting the third component to 0).

The forms of this function that have the the arrayindex parameter will retrieve the individual indexed element of the named array. In this case, name must be an array attribute, the type of destination must be the type of the array element (not the type of the whole array), and the value of arrayindex must be a valid index given the array’s size.

Tables giving “standardized” names for different kinds of attributes may be found below. All renderers are expected to use the same names for these attributes, but are free to choose any names for additional attributes they wish to make queryable.

Names of standard attributes that may be retrieved:






Major x 10000 + Minor x 100 + patch.



Name of the shader master.



Name of the layer instance.



Name of the shader group.

Names of standard camera attributes that may be retrieved are in the table below. If the getattribute() function specifies an objectname parameter and it is the name of a valid camera, the value specific to that camera is retrieved. If no specific camera is named, the global or default camera is implied.






Image resolution.



Pixel aspect ratio.



Projection type (e.g., "perspective", "orthographic", etc.)



Field of fiew.



Near clip distance.



Far clip distance.



Near and far clip distances.



Shutter open time.



Shutter close time.



Shutter open and close times.



Screen window (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax).

void setmessage (string name, output type value)

Store a name/value pair in an area where it can later be retrieved by other shaders attached to the same object. If there is already a message with the same name attached to this shader invocation, it will be replaced by the new value. The message value may be any basic scalar type, array, or closure, but may not be a struct.

int getmessage (string name, output type destination)
int getmessage (string source, string name, output type destination)

Retrieve a message from another shader attached to the same object. If a message is found with the given name, and whose type matches that of destination, the value will be stored in destination and getmessage() will return 1. If no message is found that matches both the name and type, destination will be unchanged and getmessage() will return 0.

The source, if supplied, designates from where the message should be retrieved, and may have any of the following values:


Retrieves data about the object hit by the last trace call made. Data recognized include:






Zero if the ray hit nothing, 1 if it hit.



The distance to the hit.



The name of the object hit.


Retrieves the named global (P, N, etc.), shader parameter, or set message of the closest object hit (only if it was a shaded ray).

Note that which information may be retrieved depends on whether the ray was traced with the optional "shade" parameter indicating whether or not the shader ought to execute on the traced ray. If "shade" was 0, you may retrieve “globals” (P, N, etc.), interpolated vertex variables, shader instance values, or graphics state attributes (object name, etc.). But "shade" must be nonzero to correctly retrieve shader output variables or messages that are set by the shader (via setmessage()).

float surfacearea ( )

Returns the surface area of the area light geometry being shaded. This is meant to be used in conjunction with emission() in order to produce the correct emissive radiance given a user preference for a total wattage for the area light source. The value of this function is not expected to be meaningful for non-light shaders.

int raytype (string name)

Returns 1 if ray being shaded is of the given type, or 0 if the ray is not of that type or if the ray type name is not recognized by the renderer.

The set of ray type names is customizeable for renderers supporting OSL, but is expected to include at a minimum "camera", "shadow", "diffuse", "glossy", "reflection", "refraction". They are not necessarily mutually exclusive, with the exception that camera rays should be of class "camera" and no other.

int backfacing ( )

Returns 1 if the surface is being sampled as if “seen” from the back of the surface (or the “inside” of a closed object). Returns 0 if seen from the “front” or the “outside” of a closed object.

int isconnected (type parameter)

Returns 1 if the argument is a shader parameter and is connected to an earlier layer in the shader group, 2 if the argument is a shader output parameter connected to a later layer in the shader group, 3 if connected to both earlier and later layers, otherwise returns 0. Remember that function arguments in OSL are always pass-by-reference, so isconnected() applied to a function parameter will depend on what was passed in as the actual parameter.

int isconstant (type expr)

Returns 1 if the expression can, at runtime (knowing the values of all the shader group’s parameter values and connections), be discerned to be reducible to a constant value, otherwise returns 0.

This is primarily a debugging aid for advanced shader writers to verify their assumptions about what expressions can end up being constant-folded by the runtime optimizer.

7.12. Dictionary Lookups#

int dict_find (string dictionary, string query)
int dict_find (int nodeID, string query)

Find a node in the dictionary by a query. The dictionary is either a string containing the actual dictionary text, or the name of a file containing the dictionary. (The system can easily distinguish between them.) XML dictionaries are currently supported, and additional formats may be supported in the future. The query is expressed in “XPath 1.0” syntax (or a reasonable subset therof).

The return value is a Node ID, an opaque integer identifier that is the handle of a node within the dictionary data. The value 0 is reserved to mean “query not found” and the value -1 indicates that the dictionary was not a valid syntax (or, if a file, could not be read). If more than one node within the dictionary matched the query, the node ID of the first match is returned, and dict_next() may be used to step to the next matching node.

The version that takes a nodeID rather than a dictionary string simply interprets the query as being relative to the node specified by nodeID, as opposed to relative to the root of the dictionary.

All expensive operations (such as reading the dictionary from a file and the initial parsing of the dictionary) are performed only once, and subsequent lookups merely copy data and are thus inexpensive. The dictionary string is, therefore, used as a hash into a cached data structure holding the parsed dictionary database. Implementations may also cache individual node lookups or type conversions behind the scenes.

int dict_next (int nodeID)

Return the node ID of the next node that matched the query that returned nodeID, or 0 if nodeID was the last matching node for its query.

int dict_value (int nodeID, string attribname, output type value)

Retrieves the named attribute of the given dictionary node, or the value of the node itself if attribname is the empty string "". If the attribute is found, its value will be stored in value and 1 will be returned. If the requested attribute is not found on the node, or if the type of value does not appear to match that of the named node, value will be unmodified and 0 will be returned.

Type conversions are straightforward: anything may be retrieved as a string; to retrieve as an int or float, the value must parse as a single integer or floating point value; to retrieve as a point, vector, normal, color, or matrix (or any array), the value must parse as the correct number of values, separated by spaces and/or commas.

int trace (point pos, vector dir, ...)

Trace a ray from pos in the direction dir. The ray is traced immediately, and may incur significant expense compared to rays that might be traced incidentally to evaluating the Ci closure. Also, beware that this can be easily abused in such a way as to introduce view-dependence into shaders. The return value is 0 if the ray missed all geometry, 1 if it hit anything within the distance range.

The following optional key-value arguments (see Section Function calls) can be passed:

"mindist", float

The minimum hit distance (default: 0).

The units of the "mindist" and "maxdist" are determined by the renderer and are sometimes defined by the dir vector, which can lead to unexpected behavior. So, generally, clearly written and portable shaders should pass a unit length (see Section Geometric functions) dir vector.

"mindist", float

The maximum hit distance (default: infinite).

"shade", int

Defines whether objects hit will be shaded (default: 0).

"traceset", string

An optional named set of objects to ray trace (if preceded by a - character, it means to exclude that set).

Information about the closest object hit by the ray may be retrieved using


(see Section Renderer state and message passing).

The main purpose of this function is to allow shaders to “probe” nearby geometry, for example to apply a projected texture that can be blocked by geometry, apply more “wear” to exposed geometry, or make other ambient occlusion-like effects.

7.13. Miscellaneous#

int arraylength (type A[])

Returns the length of the referenced array, which may be of any type.

void exit ()

Exits the shader without further execution. Within the main body of a shader, this is equivalent to calling return, but inside a function, exit() will exit the entire shader, whereas return would only exit the enclosing function.