4. Gross syntax, shader types, parameters#

The overall structure of a shader is as follows:


shader-type shader-name ( optional-parameters )

Note that statements may include function or structure definitions, local variable declarations, or public methods, as well as ordinary execution instructions (such as assignments, etc.).

4.1. Shader types#

Shader types include the following: surface, displacement, light, volume, and generic shader. Some operations may only be performed from within certain types of shaders (e.g., one may only call displace() or alter P in a displacement shader), and some global variables may only be accessed from within certain types of shaders (e.g., dPdu is not defined inside a volume shader).

Following are brief descriptions of the basic types of shaders:

surface shaders

Surface shaders determine the basic material properties of a surface and how it reacts to light. They are responsible for computing a color closure that describes the material, and optionally setting other user-defined output variables. They may not alter the position of the surface.

Surface shaders are written as if they describe the behavior of a single point on the primitive, and the renderer will choose the positions surface at which the shader must be evaluated.

Surface shaders also are used to describe emissive objects, i.e., light sources. OSL does not need a separate shader type to describe lights.

displacement shaders

Displacement shaders alter the position and shading normal (or, optionally, just the shading normal) to make a piece of geometry appear deformed, wrinkled, or bumpy. They are the only kind of shader that is allowed to alter a primitive’s position.

volume shaders

Volume shaders describe how a participating medium (air, smoke, glass, etc.) reacts to light and affects the appearance of objects on the other side of the medium. They are similar to surface shaders, except that they may be called from positions that do not lie upon (and are not necessarily associated with) any particular primitive.

shader generic shaders

Generic shaders are used for utility code, generic routines that may be called as individual layers in a shader group. Generic shaders need not specify a shader type, and therefore may be reused from inside surface, displacement, or volume shader groups. But as a result, they may not contain any functionality that cannot be performed from inside all shader types (for example, they may not alter P, which can only be done from within a displacement shader).

4.2. Shader parameters#

An individual shader has (optionally) many parameters whose values may be set in a number of ways so that a single shader may have different behaviors or appearances when used on different objects.

Shader parameter syntax#

Shader parameters are specified in the shader declaration, in parentheses after the shader’s name. This is much like the parameters to an OSL function (or a function in C or similar languages), except that shader parameters must have an initializer, giving a default value for the parameter. Shader parameter default initializers may be expressions (i.e., may be computed rather than restricted to numeric constants), and are evaluated in the order that the parameters are declared, and may include references to previously-declared parameters. Formally, the grammar for a simple parameter declaration looks like this:

type parametername = default-expression

where type is one of the data types described in Chapter Data types, parametername is the name of the parameter, and default-expression is a valid expression (see Section Expressions). Multiple parameters are simply separated by commas:

type1 parameter1 = expr1 , type2 parameter2 = expr2 ,

Fixed-length, one-dimensional array parameters are declared as follows:

type parametername [ array-length ] = { expr0 , expr1}

where array-length is a positive integer constant giving the length of the array, and the initializer is a series of initializing expressions listed between curly braces. The first initializing expression provides the initializer for the first element of the array, the second expression provides the initializer for the second element of the array, and so on. If the number of initializing expressions is less than the length of the array, any additional array elements will have undefined values.

Arrays may also be declared without a set length:

type parametername [ ] = { expr0 , expr1}

where no array length is found between the square brackets. This indicates that the array’s length will be determined based on whatever is passed in — a connection from the output of another shader in the group (take on the length of that output), an instance value (take on the length specified by the declaration of the instance value), or a primitive variable (length determined by its declaration on the primitive). If no instance value, primitive value, or connection is supplied, then the number of initializing expressions will determine the length, as well as the default values, of the array.

Structure parameters are also straightforward to declare:

structure-type parametername = { expr0 , expr1}

where structure-type is the name of a previously-declared struct type, and the expr initializers correspond to each respective field within the structure. An initializer of appropriate type is required for every field of the structure.

Shader output parameters#

Shader parameters are, by default, read-only in the body of the shader. However, special \emph{output parameters} may be altered by execution of the shader. Parameters may be designated outputs by use of the {\cf output} keyword immediately prior to the type declaration of the parameter:

output type parametername = expr

(Output parameters may be arrays and structures, but we will omit spelling out the obvious syntax here.)

Output parameters may be connected to inputs of later-run shader layers in the shader group, may be queried by later-run shaders in the group via message passing (i.e., getmessage() calls), or used by the renderer as an output image channel (in a manner described through the renderer’s API).

Shader parameter example#

Here is an example of a shader declaration, with several parameters:

surface wood ( 
           /* Simple params with constant initializers */
               float Kd = 0.5,
               color woodcolor = color (.7, .5, .3),
               string texturename = "wood.tx",
           /* Computed from an earlier parameter */
               color ringcolor = 0.25 * woodcolor,
           /* Fixed-length array */
               color paintcolors[3] = { color(0,.25,0.7), color(1,1,1),
                                        color(0.75,0.5,0.2) },
           /* variable-length array */
               int pattern[] = { 2, 4, 2, 1 },
           /* output parameter */
               output color Cunlit = 0

How shader parameters get their values#

Shader parameters get their values in the following manner, in order of decreasing priority:

  1. If the parameter has been designated by the renderer to be connected to an output parameter of a previously-executed shader layer within the shader group, that is the value it will get.

  2. If the parameter matches the name and type of a per-primitive, per-face, or per-vertex primitive variable on the particular piece of geometry being shaded, the parameter’s value will be computed by interpolating the primitive variable for each position that must be shaded.

  3. If there is no connection or primitive variable, the parameter may will take on an instance value, if that parameter was given an explicit per-instance value at the time that the renderer referenced the shader (associating it with an object or set of objects).

  4. If none of these overrides is present, the parameter’s value will be determined by executing the parameter initialization code in the shader.

This triage is performed per parameter, in order of declaration. So, for example, in the code sample above where the default value for ringcolor1 is a scaled version of woodcolor, this relationship would hold whether woodcolorwas the default, an instance value, an interpolated primitive value, or was connected to another layer's output.  Unlessringcolor` itself was given an instance, primitive, or connection value, in which case that’s what would be used.

4.3. Shader metadata#

A shader may optionally include metadata (data about the shader, as opposed to data used by the shader). Metadata may be used to annotate the shader or any of its individual parameters with additional hints or information that will be compiled into the shader and may be queried by applications. A common use of metadata is to specify user interface hints about shader parameters — for example, that a particular parameter should only take on integer values, should have an on/off checkbox, is intended to be a filename, etc.

Metadata is specified inside double brackets [[ and ]] enclosing a comma-separated list of metadata items. Each metadatum looks like a parameter declaration — having a data type, name, and initializer. However, metadata may only be simple types or arrays of simple types (not structs or closures) and their value initializers must be numeric or string constants (not computed expressions).

Metadata about the shader as a whole is placed between the shader name and the parameter list. Metadata about shader parameters are placed immediately after the parameter’s initializing expression, but before the comma or closing parentheses that terminates the parameter description.

Below is an example shader declaration showing the use of shader and parameter metadata:

surface wood 
            [[ string help = "Realistic wood shader" ]]
       float Kd = 0.5
           [[ string help = "Diffuse reflectivity",
              float min = 0, float max = 1 ]] ,
       color woodcolor = color (.7, .5, .3)
           [[ string help = "Base color of the wood" ]],
       color ringcolor = 0.25 * woodcolor
           [[ string help = "Color of the dark rings" ]],
       string texturename = "wood.tx"
           [[ string help = "Texture map for the grain",
              string widget = "filename" ]],
       int pattern = 0
           [[ string widget = "mapper",
              string options = "oak:0|elm:1|walnut:2" ]]

The metadata are not semantically meaningful; that is, the metadata does not affect the actual execution of the shader. Most metadata exist only to be embedded in the compiled shader and able to be queried by other applications, such as to construct user interfaces for shader assignment that allow usage tips, appropriate kinds of widgets for setting each parameter, etc.

The choice of metadata and their meaning is completely up to the shader writer and/or modeling system. However, we propose some conventions below. These conventions are not intended to be comprehensive, nor to meet all your needs — merely to establish a common nomenclature for the most common metadata uses.

The use of metadata is entirely optional on the part of the shader writer, and any application that queries shader metadata is free to honor or ignore any metadata it finds.

string label

A short label to be displayed in the UI for this parameter. If not present, the parameter name itself should be used as the widget label.

string help

Help text that describes the purpose and use of the shader or parameter.

string page

Helps to group related widgets by ``page.’’

string widget

The type of widget that should be used to adjust this parameter. Suggested widget types:


Provide a slider and/or numeric input. This is the default widget type for float or int parameters. Numeric inputs also may be influenced by the following metadata: min, max, sensitivity, digits, slider, slidermin, slidermax, slidercenter, sliderexponent.


Provide a text entry widget. This is the default widget type for {\cf string} parameters.


Provide a pop-up menu with “Yes” and “No” options. Works on strings or numbers. With strings, “Yes” and “No” values are used, with numbers, 0 and 1 are used.


A boolean widget displayed as a checkbox. Works on strings or numbers. With strings, “Yes” and “No” values are used, with numbers, 0 and 1 are used.


A pop-up menu of literal choices. This widget further requires parameter metadata options (a string listing the supported menu items, delimited by the | character), and optionally editable (an integer, which if nonzero means the widget should allow the text field should be directly editable). For example:

  string wrap = "default"
      [[ string widget = "popup",
         string options = "default|black|clamp|periodic|mirror" ]]

A pop-up with associative choices (an enumerated type, if the values are integers). This widget further requires parameter metadata options, a |-delimited string with “key:value” pairs. For example:

  int pattern = 0
      [[ string widget = "mapper",
         string options = "oak:0|elm:1|walnut:2" ]]

A file selection dialog.


A hidden widget.

float min, float max, int min, int max

The minimum and/or maximum value that the parameter may take on.

float sensitivity, int sensitivity

The precision or step size for incrementing or decrementing the value (within the appropriate min/max range).

int digits

The number of digits to show (-1 for full precision).

int slider

If nonzero, enables display of a slider sub-widget. This also respects the following additional metadata that control the slider specifically: slidermin (minimum value for the slider, slidermax (maximum value for the slider), slidercenter (origin value for the slider), sliderexponent (nonlinear slider options).

string URL

Provides a URL for full documentation of the shader or parameter.

string units

Gives the assumed units, if any, for the parameter (e.g., cm, sec, degrees). The compiler or renderer may issue a warning if it detects that this assumption is being violated (for example, the compiler can warn if a degrees variable is passed as the argument to cos).